After a crazy morning taking Sadie to the doggy hotel, and packing up the car I finally made it to Keith Ladd's place an hour latter than planned. It all worked out and we were off to Bartow to do battle in two crit races. Keith was the loan cat 4 racer from 352, Eric and I were going to represent in the Cat 3 races. Amy took part in the women's races and Marco came down on Sunday for the cat 5 race.
The cat 3 race started that evening at 7:45. It was pretty dark and we got some rain just before the race so the pavement was a bit wet. This was going to be interesting. The official blew the whistle and we were off. The race was pretty mild with very few attacks and with a tail wind and slight down hill on the back side of the course it was easy to close down any break away attempts. It looked like this was going to come down to a field sprint. It was my job to pull Eric into position to try and take the win. As we came around corner 3 with 2 laps to go I took a bad line on the outside and found myself headed straight for the curb. I bunny hopped the curb onto the grass I thought I was going to make it and get back in the pack. Unfortunately the edge of the sidewalk had other plans. My front wheel got caught and I went head over heals. I came out of the crash with a little road rash and blew the suspension system in my helmet. My bike was fine, so I jumped back on and finished the race. Eric sprinted for a 5th place finish.

Keith Ladd's race was in the mid afternoon during the heat of the day. He was feeling pretty good and wanted to try for a break away win with 3-4 laps to go.
It was my job to call out the time gap and let him know when to go. With 7 minutes plus 5 laps to go the announcer said there was 7 laps to go and I started counting down. I did not hear her correct herself and say there were 7 minutes plus laps. With what I thought was 3 laps to go I yelled at Ladd and he made the move. He got a gap and held the field off for 2 laps when the official brought out the lap cards and said 5 laps to go. He looked at me and all I could do was hang my head and apologize. He took it well and finished the race mid pack having used up his legs in what he thought was going to be the winning move.
I was a bit stiff when I woke up the next morning, but nothing a nice long warm up wouldn't cure. Eric and I rode around discussing our tactics for the day. This was a different course with 8 corners, prime for a break away. Our plan was to try and blow the race apart and at least get one of us in the break.
It took me a few laps to get comfortable in the corners after my crash the day before, but once I was comfortable I was able to move up and watch for moves going off the front. There was a break away of 2 riders up the road and Eric attacked bridging up to them. Our main competition and the winner of last nights race, Ken Vida, was at the front trying to chase down Eric. I was on his wheel and as he pulled of another racer jumped. I grabbed his wheel and he pulled me up to the break. After the effort to pull Eric back Ken did not make the move and Eric and I were both in the break. We pushed the pace hard and opened the gap on the field. The announcer let us know we had 2 laps to go and I knew we could pull off the win. I took a long hard pull up the finishing straight. Eric took over down the back side of the course. Our break away companions were hurting and could not put out as much effort as we could. Coming into the bell lap I was on the front giving it everything. Eric was on the back recovering and waiting for the right moment to attack. It came as we rounded corner 5. He shot up the inside and cut in front of me to knock anyone off his wheel. I slowed up a bit and he quickly put a 30 meter gap on us. I think we both knew he had the win at this point. As our break away companions tried to chase him down I just followed wheels. Eric got the win, unfortunately I did not have the legs left for the final sprint and finished just off the podium in 4th. We were both really happy with the results and the tactics.
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